Course name |
TS03: Technical skills course 3: Web-GIS and Spatial Data Infrastructure |
Location |
Best Western Parkhotel Westfallenhallen, Dortmund, Germany
Date |
27 and 28 November 2012 |
Flyer |
Download flyer |
Participants |
List of participants |
Lectures |
Lecture 1: Spatial Decision Support Systems: Introduction to the concepts and requirements.
Dr. Johannes Flacke (Department of urban and regional planning and information management, ITC)
Lecture 2: Spatial data infrastructure for disaster risk management: overview of concepts and requirements.
Dr. Javier Morales (Department of Geo-Information Processing, ITC)
Lecture 3: Web-GIS and web-computing. Overview of concepts and requirements.
Dr. Ulan Turdukulov (Department of Geo-Information Processing, ITC)
Lecture 4: Examples of Web-GIS applications.
Christian Lindner (TUDO, Dortmund
Lecture 5: Practical exercise on using Web-GIS
Lisa Weinke and Stefan Kienberger (Z-GIS , PLUS, Salzburg)
E-map session |
Presentation Mark Fleischhauer (Institute of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund) |
Presentation Axel Meunier (médialab Sciences Po, Paris) |
Workshop |
Workshop document for defining the requirements of the risk platform |
Presentation on the development of a web-based system in the CHANGES project
Zar Chi Aye (ESR , University of Lausanne)