Teresa Sprague
Nationality |
Address |
Institut für Raumplanung (IRPUD) Technische Universität Dortmund August-Schmidt-Strasse 10 D-44227 Dortmund
E-mail |
Telephone |
+49 231 755 2439
Host Organisation |
Research topic |
Comparing risk governance strategies for different EU countries
Work package |
WP5 Establishing the risk governance framework
Research interests |
Governance strategies with emphasis on risk management and stakeholder participation, environmental policy particularly for water management, climate change processes including resilience and vulnerability theory
Aye, Z.C., Sprague, T., Cortes, V. J., Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M-H (2016). A collaborative (web-GIS) framework based on empirical data collected from three case studies in Europe for risk management of hydro-meteorological hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2016, 15, 10-23.
Charriere, M.K.M., Sprague, T., Bogaard, T.A, Greiving, S., Malet, J.-P., Mostert, E. (2013). Are managers’ and the general public’s perceptions of risk communication needs in line? A French alpine valley case study. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-3173-2, EGU General Assembly 2013. Oral presentation
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Cortes, J. T. Sprague, S. Frigerio, T. Bogaard, S. Sterlacchini. (2014) The role of community knowledge and participation for hydraulic-structure inspections: Combining knowledge with action
trough citizen-science projects. International Conference Analysis and Management of changing
risks for natural hazards. 18-19 November 2014. Padova, Italy.
Greiving, S., Schmidt-Thomé , P., Davoudi, S., Peltonen, L. and Sprague, T. (2012)Implications for territorial development and challenges for the territorial cohesion of the EC. In: P. Schmidt-Thomé and S. Greiving, eds., in European climate vulnerabilities and adaptation: A spatial planning perspective. Wiley & Blackwell.
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Cortes, V. J., Sprague, T., Aye,Z. C., Greiving. S., Głowacki, W., and Sterlacchini, S. (2014), The connection between long-term and short-term risk management strategies for flood and landslide hazards: examples from land-use planning and emergency management in four European case studies, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 3261-3278, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-3261-2014.
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Cortes, V.J., Aye, Z.C., Sprague, T. (2013), Coordination of short-term and long-term mitigation measures of hydro-meteorological risks: the importance of establishing a link between emergency management and spatial planning. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5445-1
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Głowacki, W., Komenda, J., Sprague, T. (2013), The legal basis for dealing with natural hazards in spatial planning in different EU countries. July 15-19, AESOP 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
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Sprague, T. 2012. Comparing political frameworks: what lessons can China’s South-North Water Diversion learn from Spain’s Ebro Water Transfer? August 26-30, 32nd International Geographical Congress (IGC 2012), Cologne, Germany.
Sprague, T. and Greiving, S. (2012). Flood Risk Management Strategies:A comparative analysis of different EU countries. FLOODrisk 2012, November 20-22, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
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Sprague, T., Greiving, S., Schmidt-Thomé, P., Davoudi, S. and S. Juhola. 2012. Policy Implications for the ESPON Climate Project Vulnerability Assessment. July 11-15, AESOP 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
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