ESR08 Kathrin Prenger-Berninghoff
Name |
Kathrin Prenger-Berninghoff
Nationality |
Address |
Instytut Rozwoju Miast
ul. Cieszyńska 2
30-015 Kraków
E-mail |
Host Organisation |
+48 12 634 25 13-33
Research topic |
Use of risk information in Strategic Environmental Assessment and spatial planning
Work package |
WP4 Adapting risk management strategies to future changes
Research interests |
Spatial planning, environmental planning, risk management, disaster risk reduction, resilience, sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation, governance
Aye, Z.C., Sprague, T., Cortes, V. J., Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M-H (2016). A collaborative (web-GIS) framework based on empirical data collected from three case studies in Europe for risk management of hydro-meteorological hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2016, 15, 10-23.
Prenger-Berninghoff, K. (2012), Adapting to climate change: the need for EU Cohesion Policy to adjust funding. July 11-15, AESOP 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
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Prenger-Berninghoff, K. (2012), Regional vulnerability to climate change and the role of cohesion policy in climate change adaptation. Abstract for FLOODrisk 2012, 20-22 November, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
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Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Cortes, V. J., Sprague, T., Aye,Z. C., Greiving. S., Głowacki, W., and Sterlacchini, S. (2014), The connection between long-term and short-term risk management strategies for flood and landslide hazards: examples from land-use planning and emergency management in four European case studies, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 3261-3278, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-3261-2014.
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Cortes, V.J., Aye, Z.C., Sprague, T. (2013), Coordination of short-term and long-term mitigation measures of hydro-meteorological risks: the importance of establishing a link between emergency management and spatial planning. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5445-1
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Głowacki, W., Komenda, J., Leroi, E. (2014), The impact of the EU Flood Risk Directive on spatial planning using examples from French and Polish case study sites. International Conference Analysis and Management of changing risks for natural hazards. 18-19 November 2014. Padova, Italy.
Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Głowacki, W., Komenda, J., Sprague, T. (2013), The legal basis for dealing with natural hazards in spatial planning in different EU countries. July 15-19, AESOP 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
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Prenger-Berninghoff, K., Greiving, S. (2014), The use of risk information in spatial planning in Europe: examples from case study sites in Italy and Romania with a focus on flood and landslide hazards. In: Lollino, G., Manconi, A., Guzzetti, F., Culshaw, M., Bobrowsky, P., Luino, F. (eds.) (2014): Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5, Springer International Publishing, pp 737-741.
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