General description

The Department of Geography and Regional Research is among six other departments part of the Faculty of Geosciences, Geography and Astronomy of the University of Vienna. One of three main research areas in this faculty is ‘Environment – Society – Risk’. The interacting research in the Department of Geography and Regional Research in the field of Physical Geography (Geomorphology and Geo-ecology), Human Geography, Regional Research and Land-use planning as well as Cartography and Geoinformation is carried out by five university professors, seven associated professors, at least 20 scientific assistants (PostDoc and PhD-students), which are mainly funded by external research projects.
Key competences and facilities
The core competence of the Geomorphic System and Risk Research Unit are geomorphic topics, spatial assessments on landslide inventories, susceptibility, and hazard analysis, quantitative risk assessment (in particular for landslides and snow avalanches), vulnerability analysis and the risk assessment, spatial and temporal evolution of risk due to natural hazards as well as the development of web-based interaction tools. Monitoring programmes including the warning chain – from sensor development to management and governance through risk communication. Long-lasting conceptual developments of multi-hazard risk assessments. Development of adaptation strategies.
Key persons
Prof. Dr. T. Glade (Landslide hazard, vulnerability and risk, Global change)
Catrin Promper (PhD researcher)
Dr. M. Papathoma (Landslide vulnerability, GIS platform and remote sensing)
Previous training programs and research
EU funded Research projects FP7MOVE, FP6-CASITA II, FP6 MCRTN ‘Mountain Risks’, FP5 DEBRIS. Coordination of German funded research (DFG: InterRISK; BMBF ILEWS). International training programmes: Mountain Risks, Development of education materials on natural hazards and risks, 2005. CoE-Formose - Post-graduate course on the Multi-hazard Risk, 2006, Advanced Training for stakeholders, since 2006
ESR-05: host
ESR-07: secondment
Kappes, M.S., Keiler, M., von Elverfeldt, K., Glade, T.(2012) Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk: A review. Natural Hazards 64 (2), pp 1925-1958
Kappes, M.S., Gruber, K., Frigerio, S., Bell, R., Keiler, M., Glade, T. (2012). The MultiRISK platform: The technical concept and application of a regional-scale multihazard exposure analysis tool. Geomorphology 151-152 , pp. 139-155
Papathoma-Köhle, M., Keiler, M., Totschnig, R., Glade, T.(2012), Improvement of vulnerability curves using data from extreme events: debris flow event in South Tyrol. Natural Hazards , pp. 1-23
Kappes, M.S., Malet, J.-P., Remaître, A., Horton, P., Jaboyedoff, M., Bell, R. (2011). Assessment of debris-flow susceptibility at medium-scale in the Barcelonnette Basin, France. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science Volume 11, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 627-641
von Elverfeldt K. & Glade T.: Systems theory in Geomorphology - A challenge.- Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie |
Malek Ž., Schröter D., Glade T. (2013), Land use/ cover changes in European mountain areas: global driving forces and local destinies. Abstract for “Hochgebirge im Globalen Wandel”. Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge, 22. Jahrestagung 2012, Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn.
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Malek Ž, Schröter D, Patt A, Glade T (2012), Effects of global changes on mountain land use patterns and ecosystem services in a comparative case study: Italian Alps and Romanian Carpathians. Poster Presentation at the IIASA 40th Anniversary Conference, Vienna
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Malek Ž, Scolobig A, Schröter D. 2014. Understanding Land Cover Changes in the Italian Alps and Romanian Carpathians Combining Remote Sensing and Stakeholder Interviews. Land 3(1):52-73